5 and for the hope of what is stored up for you in heaven. You first heard of it long ago when the true message of the gospel
6 came among you, to thrive and bear its fruit among you, as it does all over the world, from the time when you first heard about the mercy of God,
7 and really came to know it, in the form in which Epaphras, my dear fellow-slave, taught it to you. He is my faithful representative as a servant of Christ,
8 and it is he who has told me of the love the Spirit has awakened in you.
9 That is why, from the day I first heard of it, I have never given up praying for you and asking God to fill you, through full spiritual wisdom and insight, with a clear knowledge of what his will is,
10 so that the lives you live may be worthy of your Master and wholly pleasing to him, and you may be fruitful in all kinds of good deeds, and may grow into fuller knowledge of God.