2 Thessalonians 2:6-11

Goodspeed(i) 6 So now you know what it is that is holding him back from making his appearance before the appointed time arrives. 7 For disobedience is already secretly at work, but only until he who is now holding it in check is gotten out of the way. 8 Then the embodiment of disobedience will make his appearance, and the Lord Jesus will destroy him with the breath of his mouth and annihilate him by his appearance and arrival. 9 The other's appearance, by the contrivance of Satan, will be full of power and pretended signs and wonders, 10 and full of wicked deception for men who are going to destruction, because they refused to love the truth and be saved. 11 This is why God sends upon them a misleading influence, to make them believe what is false,