8 God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance so that you will always have enough for every situation, and ample means for every good enterprise:
9 as the Scripture says, "He scatters his gifts to the poor; His uprightness will never be forgotten."
10 He who supplies the sower with seed and so with bread to eat will supply you with seed, and multiply it and enlarge the harvest of your uprightness.
11 You will grow rich in every way, so that through me you can show perfect liberality that will make men thank God for it.
12 For the rendering of this service does more than supply the wants of God's people; it results in a wealth of thanksgiving to God.
13 The way you stand the test of this service must do honor to God, through your fidelity to what you profess as to the good news of Christ, and through the liberality of your contributions for them and for all others;
14 then they will long for you and pray for you, because of the extraordinary favor God has shown you.