Wisdom of Solomon 3

Geneva(i) 1 Bvt the soules of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. 2 In the sight of the vnwise they appeared to die, and their end was thought grieuous, 3 And their departing from vs, destruction, but they are in peace. 4 And though they suffer paine before men, yet is their hope full of immortalitie. 5 They are punished, but in fewe things, yet in many things shal they be wel rewarded: for God proueth them, & findeth them meete for him selfe. 6 He tryeth them as the golde in the fornace, and receiueth them as a perfect fruite offering. 7 And in the time of their vision they shall shine, and runne thorowe as the sparks among the stubble. 8 They shall iudge the nations, and haue dominion ouer the people, and their Lord shal reigne for euer. 9 They that trust in him shall vnderstand the trueth, and the faythfull shall remaine with him in loue: for grace and mercy is among his Saints, and he regardeth his elect. 10 But the vngodly shalbe punished according to their imaginations: for they haue despised the righteous, and forsaken the Lord. 11 Who so despiseth wisdome and discipline, is miserable, and their hope is vaine, and their labours are foolish, and their workes vnprofitable: 12 Their wiues are vndiscreete, and their children wicked: their offering is cursed. 13 Therefore the barren is blessed which is vndefiled, and knoweth not the sinfull bed: she shal haue fruite in the visitation of the soules, 14 And the eunuch, which with his hands hath not wrought iniquitie, nor imagined wicked things against God: for vnto him shalbe giuen the speciall gift of fayth, & an acceptable portion in the Temple of the Lord. 15 For glorious is the fruite of good labours, and the roote of wisdome shall neuer fade away. 16 But the children of adulterers shall not be partakers of the holy things, and the seede of the wicked bed shalbe rooted out. 17 And though they liue long, yet shall they be nothing regarded, and their last age shalbe without honour. 18 If they die hastely, they haue no hope, neither comfort in the day of tryall. 19 For horrible is the end of the wicked generation.