Acts 5:6-10

Geneva(i) 6 And the yong men rose vp, and tooke him vp, and caried him out, and buried him. 7 And it came to passe about the space of three houres after, that his wife came in, ignorant of that which was done. 8 And Peter sayd vnto her, Tell me, solde ye the land for so much? And she sayd, Yea, for so much. 9 Then Peter sayde vnto her, Why haue ye agreed together, to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? beholde, the feete of them which haue buried thine husband, are at the doore, and shall carie thee out. 10 Then she fell downe straightway at his feete, and yeelded vp the ghost: and the yong men came in, and found her dead, and caried her out, and buried her by her husband.