22 Then tydings of those things came vnto the eares of the Church, which was in Hierusalem, and they sent foorth Barnabas, that he should goe vnto Antiochia.
23 Who when he was come and had seene the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted all, that with purpose of heart they would continue in the Lord.
24 For he was a good man, and full of the holy Ghost, and faith, and much people ioyned them selues vnto the Lord.
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus to seeke Saul:
26 And when he had founde him, he brought him vnto Antiochia: and it came to passe that a whole yere they were conuersant with ye Church, and taught much people, in so much that the disciples were first called Christians in Antiochia.
27 In those dayes also came Prophets from Hierusalem vnto Antiochia.