Philippians 3:12-18

Etheridge(i) 12 I have not yet received, nor (am I) yet perfected; but I run, that so I may lay hold on that for the sake of which Jeshu the Meshiha hath laid hold on me. 13 MY brethren, I think not concerning myself that I have laid hold (of the final prize); but one (thing) I know, that what is behind me I forget, and to that which is before me I stretch, 14 and run towards the sign, to obtain the victory of the high vocation of Aloha by Jeshu Meshiha. 15 Let those, then, who are mature consider these things; and if otherwise you consider, this also will Aloha reveal to you. 16 Nevertheless, that to this we may attain, in one way let us proceed, and with one consent. 17 Be like me, my brethren, and consider them who so walk according to the pattern you have seen in us. 18 For there are many who walk otherwise, of whom many times I have told you, but now weeping I tell you, they are adversaries of the cross of the Meshiha;