Hebrews 12:5-10

Etheridge(i) 5 And ye have forgotten the instruction of him who, as unto children, hath said to you, My son, contemn not the discipline of the Lord, and let not thy soul fail when by him thou art corrected: 6 for whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth, and scourgeth those children in whom he taketh pleasure. 7 Endure, therefore, correction, because Aloha acteth towards you as with children: for who is a son whom his father doth not correct? 8 And if ye be without the correction with which every one is corrected, ye are aliens, and not children. 9 And if (when) the fathers of the flesh have chastised us we have revered them, how much more are we bound to be subject to our spiritual fathers,* that we may live?[* Abothain däruchotho, a very questionable reading.] 10 For they, during a little time, as they willed, chastised us; but Aloha for our advantage, that we might partake of his holiness.