\b \ul THE SEVENTH SEAL \And when he opens the seventh seal, a hush becomes in the heavens as the space of half an hour. 2
And I see the seven angels stand in sight of Elohim; and they are given seven trumpets. 3 And another angel came and stands at the sacrifice altar having a golden frankincenser; and he is given much incense, to give with the prayers of all the holy on the golden sacrifice altar in sight of the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the holy ascends from the hand of the angel in sight of Elohim: 5 and the angel takes the frankincenser and fills it from the fire of the sacrifice altar and casts it to the earth: and there become voices and thunderings and lightnings and a quake. 6 And the seven angels having the seven trumpets prepare themselves to trump. 7
The first angel trumps and there becomes hail and fire mingled with blood and they are cast to the earth: and the third of trees burns and all green herbage burns. 8
And the second angel trumps and as a mega mountain burning with fire is cast into the sea: and the third of the sea becomes blood; 9 and the third of the creatures in the sea and having a soul, die; and the third of the sailers corrupt. 10
And the third angel trumps and a mega star falls from the heavens burning as a lamp; and it falls on the third of the streams and on the fountains of waters: 11 and the name of the star is worded, Absinthe: and the third of the waters become absinthe; and much humanity dies from the waters, because they embittered. 12
And the fourth angel trumps and the third of the sun deforms and the third of the moon and the third of the stars; so that the third of them darkens and the day manifests not for the third thereof and likewise the night. 13
And I perceive, and hear one angel flying in the midheavens, wording with a mega voice, Woe, woe, woe, to them who settle on the earth because of the rest of the voices of the trumpet of the three angels about to trump!
\b \ul THE SEVENTH SEAL \And when he opens the seventh seal, a hush becomes in the heavens as the space of half an hour. 2
And I see the seven angels stand in sight of Elohim; and they are given seven trumpets. 3 And another angel came and stands at the sacrifice altar having a golden frankincenser; and he is given much incense, to give with the prayers of all the holy on the golden sacrifice altar in sight of the throne. 4 And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the holy ascends from the hand of the angel in sight of Elohim: 5 and the angel takes the frankincenser and fills it from the fire of the sacrifice altar and casts it to the earth: and there become voices and thunderings and lightnings and a quake. 6 And the seven angels having the seven trumpets prepare themselves to trump. 7
The first angel trumps and there becomes hail and fire mingled with blood and they are cast to the earth: and the third of trees burns and all green herbage burns. 8
And the second angel trumps and as a mega mountain burning with fire is cast into the sea: and the third of the sea becomes blood; 9 and the third of the creatures in the sea and having a soul, die; and the third of the sailers corrupt. 10
And the third angel trumps and a mega star falls from the heavens burning as a lamp; and it falls on the third of the streams and on the fountains of waters: 11 and the name of the star is worded, Absinthe: and the third of the waters become absinthe; and much humanity dies from the waters, because they embittered. 12
And the fourth angel trumps and the third of the sun deforms and the third of the moon and the third of the stars; so that the third of them darkens and the day manifests not for the third thereof and likewise the night. 13
And I perceive, and hear one angel flying in the midheavens, wording with a mega voice, Woe, woe, woe, to them who settle on the earth because of the rest of the voices of the trumpet of the three angels about to trump!