Psalms 95:1-8

ECB(i) 1 O come; we shout to Yah Veh - shout to the rock of our salvation; 2 - anticipate his face with spread hands and shout to him with psalms. 3 For Yah Veh is a great El and a great Sovereign above all elohim. 4 In his hand are the innermost depths of the earth; the strengths of the mountains are his; 5 the sea is his - he worked it; and his hands formed the dry. 6 O come, we prostrate and kneel - kneel at the face of Yah Veh our Worker; 7 for he is our Elohim and we are the people of his pasture - the flock of his hand. Today if you hear his voice, 8 harden not your heart as in the strife and as in the day of testing in the wilderness: