7 - as Sedom and Amorah and the surrounding cities in like manner - whoring and going after other flesh, are set forth for an example - enduring the judgment of eternal fire.
8 Yet indeed, these dreamers still defile the flesh, set aside lordships, and blaspheme glories.
9 Yet Michah El the archangel dialoguing with Diabolos reasoning about the body of Moses, dared not bring a blasphemy; but said, Yah Veh rebuke you!
10 But indeed, these blaspheme as much as they know not: but as much as they understand physically, as irrational live beings, in those, they corrupt themselves.
11 Woe to them! because they go in the way of Qayin and rush for reward after the seduction of Bilam and destruct in the controversy of Korach.
12 These are reefs in your love as they revel with you, shepherding themselves fearlessly: waterless clouds carried about by winds, autumnal trees, unfruitful, twice dead, uprooted,
13 raging waves of the sea frothing their own shame, planetary stars - to whom is guarded the blackness of gloom to the eons.