Jeremiah 7:8-12

ECB(i) 8 Behold, you confide in false words that benefit not; 9 you steal, murder, and adulterize, and oath falsely and incense to Baal; and walk after other elohim whom you know not: 10 and then you come and stand at my face in this house on which my name is called, and say, We are rescued! in order to work all these abhorrences. 11 Becomes this house, on which my name is called, a cave of tyrants in your eyes? Behold, even I see - an oracle of Yah Veh. 12 But come, I beseech, to my place in Shiloh, where I tabernacled my name at the first; and see what I worked to it at the face of the evil of my people Yisra El: