Genesis 25:21-26

ECB(i) 21 And Yischaq intreats Yah Veh for his woman because she is sterile: and Yah Veh is intreated by him and Ribqah his woman conceives: 22 and the sons crush within her; and she says, If it be so, why am I thus? - and she goes to enquire of Yah Veh. 23 And Yah Veh says to her, Two goyim are in your belly and two nations be separated from your inwards; and nation is stronger than nation; and the greater serves the lesser. 24 And her days to birth fulfill; and behold, twins in her belly: 25 and the first comes out ruddy, hairy all over as a mighty mantle; and they call his name Esav: 26 and after that his brother comes out and his hand takes hold on the heel of Esav and they call his name Yaaqov: and Yischaq is a son of sixty years when she births them.