Exodus 17:1-4

ECB(i) 1
And all the witness of the sons of Yisra El pull stakes from the wilderness of Sin, on their journeys according to the mouth of Yah Veh; and encamp in Rephidim: and there is no water for the people to drink. 2 And the people strive with Mosheh and say, Give us water to drink. And Mosheh says to them, Why strive with me? Why test you Yah Veh? 3 And there the people thirst for water; and the people murmur against Mosheh and say, Why ascended you us from Misrayim, to deathify us and our sons and our chattel with thirst? 4 And Mosheh crys to Yah Veh, saying, What work I to this people? In a little they stone me.