Ephesians 6:11-17

ECB(i) 11
Endue the whole panoply of Elohim, to be able to stand against the methods of Diabolos. 12 For we quiver not against flesh and blood, but against hierarchies, against authorities, against the cosmic powers of the darkness of this eon, against spiritual evil in the heavenlies. 13 So take to yourselves the whole panoply of Elohim, to be able to withstand in the evil day and having worked all, stand. 14 So stand; gird your loins in truth and endue the breastplate of justness: 15 and bind your feet in the preparation of the evangelism of shalom: 16 above all, take the shield of the trust, whereby you can quench all the fiery missiles of the evil: 17 and receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the rhema of Elohim: