5 we sinned and perverted and did wickedly and rebelled - by turning aside from your misvoth and from your judgments:
6 we hearkened not to your servants the prophets, who worded in your name to our sovereigns, our governors and our fathers and to all the people of the land.
7 O Adonay, justness to you; and shame of faces to us, as this day; to the men of Yah Hudah and to the settlers of Yeru Shalem and to all Yisra El, near and far, through all the lands you drove them, because of the treason they treasoned against you.
8 Adonay, shame of face to us - to our sovereigns, to our governors and to our fathers, because we sinned against you.
9 To Adonay our Elohim, mercies and forgivenesses though we rebelled against him;