1 Corinthians 15:23-28

ECB(i) 23 and each in his own order: Messiah the firstlings; then whoever are of the Messiah at his parousia. 24 Then the completion/shalom when he delivers the sovereigndom to Elohim - even the Father; when he inactivates all hierarchies and all authority and dynamis. 25 For he must reign, until whenever he puts all enemies under his feet. 26 The final enemy to inactivate is death. 27 For he subjugates all under his feet. and when he says, All are subjugated, it is evident that he is excepted, who subjugated all under him. 28 And when all subjugates to him then the Son himself also subjugates to him who subjugated all under him that Elohim be all in all.