Romans 5:13-21

Diaglott(i) 13 Till for law sin was in world; sin but not is counted not being law. 14 But reigned the death from Adam till Moses and over those not having sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam; who is a type of the one being about to come. 15 But not as the fall, so also the gracious gift. If for by the of one one fall the many died, by much the favor of the God and the gift by favor by that of the one man Jesus Anointed to the many abounded. 16 And not as through one having sinned, the free gift. The indeed for sentence, from one to condemnation; the but gracious gift, from many offences to righteousness. 17 If for by the of the one fail the death reigned through the one, by much more those the abundance of the favor and of the gift of the righteousness having received, in life shall reign through one Jesus Anointed. 18 Indeed then as through one offence, on all men to condemnation; so also through one righteousness, on all men to a justification of life. 19 As for through the disobedience of the one man sinners were constituted the many; so also through the obedience of the one righteous person shall be constituted the many. 20 Law but supervened, so that might abound the offence; where but abounded the sin, superabounded the favor; 21 that as reigned the sin in the death, so and the favor might reign through righteousness into life age-lasting, through Jesus Anointed the Lord of us.