Matthew 6:1-18

Diaglott(i) 1 Take heed the righteousness of you not to do in the presence of the men, so as to be exhibited to them; if but otherwise, reward not you have with to the Father of you, to the in the heavens. 2 When then thou doest alms, not sound a trumpet in the presence of thee, like the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have praise of the men. Indeed I say to you, they obtain the reward of them. 3 Of thee but doing alms giving, not let it know the left of thee, what does the right of thee, 4 that maybe of thee the alms giving in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret, himself will give back to thee. 5 And when thou prayest, not thou shalt be like the hypocrites; for they love in the synagogues and Matthew in the corners of the wide places standing to pray, that they may appear to the men. Indeed I say to you, that they have in full the reward of them. 6 Thou but, when thou prayest, enter into the retired place of thee, and locking the door of thee, pray thou to the Father of thee, to the in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret place, will give to thee in the clear-light. 7 Praying but not babble, like the Gentiles; they imagine for that in the wordiness of them they shall be heard. 8 Not therefore you may be like to them; knows for the Father of you, of what things need you have, before of the you ask him. 9 In this way then pray you: Father with us, who in the heavens, reverenced the name of thee; 10 let come the kingdom of thee; let be done the will of thee, as in heaven, also on the earth; 11 the bread of us the sufficient give thou to us to-day; 12 and discharge to us the debts of us, as even we discharge to the debtors of us 13 and not bring us into temptation, but save us from the evil. 14 If for you forgive to the men the faults of them, will forgive also you the Father of you the heavenly; 15 if but not forgive to the men the faults of them, neither the Father of you will forgive the faults of you. 16 When and you fast, not be, like the hypocrites, of a sad face; they disfigure for the faces of them; so that they may seem to the men to be fasting. Indeed I say to you, that they obtain the reward of them. 17 Thou but fasting anoint of thee the head, and the face of thee wash, 18 so that not thou mayest seem to the men fasting, but to the Father of thee, that in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret, will give to thee.