John 1:43-51

Diaglott(i) 43 The morrow he desired to go forth into the Galilee; and he finds Philip, and says to him: Follow me. 44 Was and the Philip from Bethsaida of the city of Andrew and Peter. 45 Finds Philip the Nathanael, and says to him: Whom wrote Moses in the law, and the prophets, we have found, Jesus the son of the Joseph, that from Nazareth. 46 And said to him Nathanael: Out of Nazareth is able any good to be? Says to him Philip: Come and see. 47 Saw the Jesus the Nathanael coming to him, and he says concerning him: Behold indeed an Israelite, in whom guile not is. 48 Says to him Nathanael: Whence me knowest thou? Answered Jesus and said to him: Before the thee Philip to have called, being under the fig-tree, I saw thee. 49 Answered Nathanael and says to him: Rabbi, thou art the son of the God, thou art the king of the Israel. 50 Answered Jesus and said to him: Because I said to thee; I saw thee underneath the fig-tree, believest thou? greater of these thou shalt see. 51 And he says to him: Indeed indeed I say to you, from now you shall see the heaven having been opened, and the messengers of the God ascending and descending on the son of the man.