8 One but this not let escape you, beloved ones, that one day with Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day one.
9 Not is slow the Lord of the promise, as some slowness account; but is long-suffering towards us not desiring some to perish, but all for a reformation to come.
10 Will come but the day of Lord as a thief, in which the heavens with a rushing sound will pass away, elements and burning intensely will be dissolved, and earth and all in her works will be burned up.
11 Of these things therefore all being dissolved, what ones it behooves to be you in holy conduct and piety;
12 looking for and hastening the presence of the of the God day, on account of which heavens being on fire will be dissolved, and elements burning intensely melts.
13 New but heavens and earth new according to the promise of him we look for, in which righteousness dwells.
14 Therefore, beloved ones, these things looking for, do you diligently endeavor spotless and blameless by him to be found in peace,