2 Corinthians 12:13-19

Diaglott(i) 13 What for it is which you were inferior beyond the other congregations, if not that myself I not was burdensome to you? Forgive to me the injustice this. 14 Lo, a third time this in readiness I am to come to you, and not I will burden you; not for I seek the things of you, but you. Not for it is fitting the children for the parents to treasure up, but the parents for the children. 15 I but most gladly will spend and will be utterly spent on behalf of the souls of you; if even more abundantly you loving, less I am loved. 16 Let it be so but; I not did burden you; but being crafty, with guile you I took. 17 Not any one of whom I have sent to you, through him I overreached you? 18 I exhorted Titus, and I sent with the brother, not overreached you Titus? not in the same spirit we walked? not in the same steps? 19 Again do you think, that to you we apologize? In presence of the God, in Anointed, we speak. But all things, beloved ones, on behalf of the you build up.