1 Timothy 6:13-17

Diaglott(i) 13 I charge thee in presence of the God, of that making alive the things all, and Anointed Jesus, of that one testifying before Pontius Pilate the good confession, 14 to keep thee the commandment spotless, blameless, till the appearance of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, 15 which in seasons own he will show the blessed and only Potentate, the King of those being kings and Lord of those being lords, 16 the only one having deathlessness, light dwelling in inaccessible, whom saw no one of men, nor to see is able; to whom honor and might age-lasting; so be it. 17 To those rich ones in the present age do thou charge not to be high-mined, nor to have confidence in wealth uncertain, but in the God the living, in that offering to us all things richly for enjoyment;