1 Timothy 3:3-10

Diaglott(i) 3 not a wine drinker, not a striker, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money; 4 of the own house well presiding, children having in subjection with all dignity; 5 (if but any one of the own house to preside not knows, how a congregation of God will he take care off?) 6 not a new convert, so that not being puffed up into a judgment he may fall of the accuser; 7 it behooves but him also a testimony good to have from those outside, so that not into reproach he may fall and a snare of the accuser. 8 Servants in like manner dignified, not two-worded, not to wine much being addicted, not eager for base gain, 9 holding the secret of the faith in a pure conscience. 10 Also these but let be proved first, then let serve, unblamable being.