Zechariah 6:1-7

Coverdale(i) 1 Morouer I turned me, liftynge vp myne eyes, & loked: & beholde, there came iiij. charettes out fro betwixte two hilles, which hilles were of brasse: 2 In the first charet were reade horse, In the secode charet were blacke horse, 3 In ye thirde charet were whyte horse, In ye fourth charet were horses of dyuerse colours, & stronge. 4 Then spake I, and sayde vnto the angel that talked with me: O lorde, what are these? 5 The angel answered, & sayde vnto me: These are the iiij. wyndes of the heauen, which be come forth to stode before the ruler of all ye earth. 6 That with the blacke horse wente in to the londe of the north, & the whyte folowed the, and the sprekled horses wente forth towarde the south. 7 These horses were very stronge, & wente out: and sought to go and take their iourney ouer the whole earth. And he sayde: get you hence, and go thorow the worlde. So they wete thorow out the worlde.