Psalms 52:1-6

Coverdale(i) 1 Why boastest thou thy self (thou Tyraunt) that thou canst do myschefe? 2 Where as the goodnesse of God endureth yet daylie. 3 Thy tonge ymagineth wickednesse, and with lyes it cutteth like a sharpe rasoure. 4 Thou louest vngraciousnesse more the good, to talke of lyes more then rightuousnesse. 5 Sela. Thou louest to speake all wordes yt maye do hurte, O thou false toge. 6 Therfore shal God cleane destroyethe, smyte the in peces, plucke the out of thy dwellinge, and rote the out of the londe of the lyuinge.