9 And he departed thence, and wente in to their synagoge:
10 and beholde, there was a ma which had his hade dryed vp. And they axed him, sayenge: Is it laufull to heale, vpon the Sabbath? because they might accuse him.
11 But he sayde vnto the: Which of you is it, yf he had a shepe falle in to a pytte vpon the Sabbath, that wolde not take him, and lift him out?
12 And how moch is a man better then a shepe? Therfore it is lefull to do good vpon the Sabbath.
13 Then sayde he to the ma: Stretch forth thine hande. And he stretched it forth: and it was whole agayne like vnto the other.
14 Then wente the Pharises out, and helde a councell agaynst him, how they might destroye him.