31 And whan he wente out agayne from the coastes of Tyre and Sydon, he came vnto the see of Galile, thorw the myddes of ye coastes of the te cities.
32 And they brought vnto him one that was deaf, and had impediment in his speach. And they prayed him, that he wolde laye his hande vpon him.
33 And he toke him a syde from the people, and put his fyngers in his eares, and dyd spyt, and touched his tonge,
34 and loked vp vnto heauen, sighed, and sayde vnto him: Ephatha, that is, be opened.
35 And immediatly his eares were opened, and the bonde of his toge was lowsed, and he spake right.
36 And he charged them, that they shulde tell noman.But the more he forbad them, the more they published it,
37 & marueyled out of measure, and sayde: He hath done all thinges well. The deaf hath he made to heare, and the domme to speake.