14 And it came to kynge Herods eares (for his name was now knowne) and he sayde: Ihon the baptist is rysen agayne from the deed, and therfore are his dedes so mightie.
15 But some sayde: It is Elias. Some sayde: It is a prophet, or one of ye prophetes.
16 But when Herode herde it, he sayde: It is Ihon whom I beheeded, he is rysen againe from the deed.
17 This Herode had sent forth, and taken Ihon, and put him in preson, because of Herodias his brother Philippes wife, for he had maried her.
18 Neuertheles Ihon sayde vnto Herode It is not laufull for the to haue yi brothers wife.
19 But Herodias layed wayte for him, and wolde haue slayne him, and coude not.
20 Notwithstodinge Herode feared Iho, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly.
21 And there came a conuenient daye, that Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes, captaynes and chefe estates of Galile.
22 Then the daughter of Herodias came in, and daunsed, and pleased Herode, and them that sat at the table. Then sayde the kynge vnto ye damsel: Axe of me what thou wilt, I wil geue it the.
23 And he sware vnto her: What soeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto ye one half of my kyngdome.
24 She wente forth, and sayde vnto hir mother: what shal I axe? She sayde: Ihon baptistes heade.
25 And immediatly she wete in to the kinge with haist, and sayde: I will that thou geue me straight waye in a platter the heed of Ihon the baptist.
26 Then the kynge was sory: Yet for the oothes sake and the that sat at the table, he wolde not saye her nay.
27 And immediatly he sent the hangman, and commaunded his heade to be brought in. So he wete, and heeded him in the preson,
28 and brought his heade in a platter, and gaue it vnto the damsell, and the damsell gaue it vnto hir mother.
29 And whan his disciples herde that, they came and toke his body, & layed it in a graue.