27 And whosoeuer beareth not his crosse, and foloweth me, can not be my disciple.
28 Which of you is it yt wil buylde a tower, and sytteth not downe first and counteth ye cost, whether he haue sufficiet to perfourme, it?
29 lest after he hath layed the foundacio, and is not able to perfourme it, all they that se it, begynne to laugh him to scorne,
30 & to saye: This man beganne to buylde, and is not able to perfurme it.
31 Or what kynge wil go to make battayl agaynst another kynge, and sytteth not downe first, and casteth in his mynde, whether he be able with ten thousande, to mete him that commeth agaynst him with twentye thousande?
32 Or els, whyle the other is yet a greate waye of he sendeth embassage, and desyreth peace.