Leviticus 26:18-29

Coverdale(i) 18 But yf ye wyll not herken vnto me for all this, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you for youre synnes, 19 that I maye breake ye pryde of youre strength, and wyl make youre heauen lyke yron, and youre earth as brasse: 20 and youre trauaile and labor shal be but lost, so that youre londe shall not geue hir increase, and the trees in the londe shal not brynge forth their frute. 21 Yf ye walke yet agaynst me, and wyll not harken vnto me, then wyl I make it yet seuen tymes more, to punysh you because of youre synnes: 22 & wyl sende wylde beestes amoge you, which shal robbe you, and destroie youre catell, and make you fewer, and youre hye waye shal be come waist. 23 But yf ye wyl not yet be refourmed here withall, and wyll walke contrary vnto me, 24 then wyl I walke contrary vnto you also, & wyll punysh you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes. 25 And I wyl brynge vpon you a swerde of vengeaunce, which shall auenge my Testament. And though ye gather you together in to youre cities, yet wyll I sende the pestilence amonge you, and wyll delyuer you in to the handes of youre enemies. 26 For I wil destroye youre prouysion of bred, so yt ten wemen shall bake youre bred in one ouen, and youre bred shal be delyuered out by weight. And whan ye eate, ye shall not haue ynough. 27 Yf ye wyl not yet for all this harken vnto me, & wyl walke contrary vnto me, 28 then wyll I also walke cotrary vnto you in wrathfull displeasure, and wyll punysh you seuenfolde because of youre synnes, 29 so that ye shal eate the flesh of youre sonnes and doughters.