Joshua 4:19-24

Coverdale(i) 19 It was ye tenth daye of the first moneth, whan the people came vp out of Iordane: & they pitched their tentes in Gilgall vpon ye East syde of ye cite of Iericho. 20 And ye twolue stones which they had taken out of Iordane, dyd Iosua set vp at Gilgall, 21 & saide vnto the children of Israel: Whan youre children are their fathers herafter, & saie: What meane these stones? 22 Ye shall tell the, & saye: Israel wete drye thorow Iordane, 23 what tyme as ye LORDE yor God dryed vp ye water of Iordane before you, vntyll ye were ouer: like as the LORDE yor God dyd in the reed see, which he dryed vp before vs, yt we mighte go thorow: 24 that all the people vpon earth mighte knowe the hade of the LORDE, how mightie it is, to the intent that ye shulde allwaye feare the LORDE youre God.