John 18:34-37

Coverdale(i) 34 Iesus answered: Sayest thou that of thy self, or haue other tolde it the of me? 35 Pilate answered: Am I a Iewe? Thy people and the hye prestes haue delyuered the vnto me. What hast thou done? 36 Iesus answered: My kyugdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde, my mynisters wolde fight therfore, yt I shulde not be delyuered vnto the Iewes. But now is my kyngdome not from hence. 37 The sayde Pilate vnto hi: Art thou a kynge the? Iesus answered: Thou sayest it, for I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne, and came in to the worlde, that I shulde testifye the trueth. Who so euer is of the trueth, heareth my voyce.