John 15:18-27

Coverdale(i) 18 Yf the worlde hate you, then knowe, that it hath hated me before you. 19 Yf ye were of the worlde, the worlde wolde loue his awne. Howbeit because ye are not of the worlde, but I haue chosen you from the worlde, therfore the worlde hateth you. 20 Remembre my worde, that I sayde vnto you: The seruaunt is not greater then his lorde. Yf they haue persecuted me, they shal persecute you also: Yf they haue kepte my worde, they shal kepe yours also. 21 But all this shal they do vnto you for my names sake, because they knowe not him yt sent me. 22 Yf I had not come & spoke vnto the, the shulde they haue no synne But now haue they nothinge to cloake their synne withall. 23 He yt hateth me, hateth my father also. 24 Yf I had not done amoge the the workes which no other ma dyd, they shulde haue no synne. But now haue they sene it, and yet haue they hated both me & my father. 25 Neuertheles that the sayenge might be fulfilled, which is wrytten in their lawe: They haue hated me without a cause. 26 But wha the comforter commeth, who I shal sende you from the father eue the sprete of trueth which proceadeth of the father, he shal testifie of me 27 and ye shal beare wytnesse also: for ye haue bene with me from the begynnynge.