23 Be glad then (o ye children of Sion) and reioyse in the LORDE youre God, for he hath geuen you the teacher of rightuousnes: & he it is yt shal sende you downe shuwers of rayne, early and late in the first moneth:
24 so that ye garners shal be full of corne, and the presses plenteous in wyne and oyle.
25 And as for the yeares that ye gre?shopper, locuste, blasstinge & caterpiller (my greate hoost, which I sent amonge you) haue eaten vp, I shal restore them to you agayne:
26 so that ye shal haue ynough to eate, and be satisfied: and prayse the name of the LORDE youre God, that so maruelously hath dealte with you. And my people shall neuer be confounded eny more: