9 Myne heretage is vnto me, as a spreckled byrde, a byrde of dyuerse coloures is vpon it. Go hence, and gather all the beastes of the felde together, that they maye eate it vp.
10 Dyuerse hyrdme haue broken downe my vynyarde, and troden vpon my porcion. Of my pleasaunt porcion, they haue made a wildernes & deserte.
11 They haue layed it waist: and now that it is waist, it sigheth vnto me. Yee the whole londe lieth waist, and no man regardeth it.
12 The distroyers come ouer the heeth euery waye, for the swearde off the LORDE shal consume from the one ende of ye lode to the other, and no flesh shal haue rest.