Isaiah 44:24-28

Coverdale(i) 24 For thus saieth the LORDE thy redemer, euen he that fashioned the from thy mothers wombe: I am the LORDE, which do all thinges my self alone. I only haue spred out the heauens, and I only haue layde the foundacion of the earth. 25 I destroye the tokens of witches, and make the Sothsayers go wronge. As for the wise, I turne them bacward, and make their conninge folishnesse. 26 But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfil the councel of my messaugers. I saye to Ierusale: turne agayne: And to the cities of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places. 27 I saye to the grounde: be drie. And I drie vp thy water floudes. 28 I saye to Cirus: thou art myne hyrd man, so that he shal fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, and to the teple: be thou fast grounded.