15 And for this cause is he ye mediatour of the new Testament, that thorow death which chaunsed for the redempcion of those trasgressions (that were vnder the first Testament) they which were called mighte receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce.
16 For where soeuer is a Testament, there must also be the death of him that maketh the testament.
17 For a Testamet taketh auctorite whan men are deed: for it is no value, as longe as he that made it is alyue.
18 For the which cause that first Testamet also was not ordeyned without bloude.
19 For whan all the commaundementes (acordinge to the lawe) were red of Moses vnto all the people, he toke ye bloude of calues and of goates, with water and purple woll and ysope, and sprenkled the boke and all the people,
20 sayenge: This is the bloude of the Testament, which God hath appoynted vnto you.
21 And the Tabernakle and all the vessels of the Gods seruyce sprenkled he with bloude likewyse.
22 And allmost all thinges are pourged with bloude after the lawe: and without sheddynge of bloude is no remyssion.
23 It is necessary then, that the symilitude of heauenly thinges be purified with soche: but ye heauenly thinges themselues are purified with better sacrifices, then are those.
24 For Christ is not entred into the holy places yt are made with handes (which are but symilitudes of true thinges) but in to the very heauen, for to apeare now before the face of God for vs: