Ezekiel 4:13-16

Coverdale(i) 13 And with that, sayde the LORDE: Euen thus shal the children of Israel eate their defyled bred in the myddest off the Gentiles, amonge whom I will scatre them. 14 Then sayde I: Oh LORDE God, Beholde, my soule was yet neuer stayned: for fro my youth vp vnto this houre, I dyd neuer eate of a deed carcase, or of that which was slayne of wilde beestes, nether came there euer eny vnclene flesh in my mouth. 15 Where vnto he answered me, and sayde: Well than, I will graunte the to take cowes donge, for the donge off a man, and to strake the bred ouer with all, before the. 16 And he sayde vnto me: Beholde thou sonne off man, I will mynishe all the prouysion of bred in Ierusalem, so that they shall weye their bred, and eate it with scarcenesse. But as for water, they shall haue a very litle measure theroff, to drynke.