Ezekiel 33:24-29

Coverdale(i) 24 Thou sonne off man, these that dwell in the waisted londe of Israel, saye: Abraham was but one man, ad he had the londe in possessio: now are we many, and the londe is geuen vs to possesse also 25 And therfore tell them: Thus saieth the LORDE: In the bloude haue ye eaten, youre eyes haue ye lift vp to Idols, and haue shed bloude: shal ye then haue the londe in possession? 26 Ye leane vpon youre sweardes, ye worke abhominacions, euery one defyleth his neghbours wife: and shal ye then possesse the londe? 27 Saye thou these wordes vnto the: Thus saieth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, all ye that dwell in this wildernesse, shall be slayne wt the swearde: what so is vpon the felde, will I geue vnto the beestes to be deuoured: those that be in stronge holdes and dennes, shall dye off the pestilece. 28 For I wil make the londe desolate and waist, and ye pope off hir strength shall come to an ende. The mountaynes in Israel shalbe so waiste that no man shall trauayle therby. 29 Then shall they lerne to knowe, that I am the LORDE, whe I make the lode waist and desolate, because off all their abhominacions, that they haue wrought.