Ezekiel 29:3-5

Coverdale(i) 3 Speake, and tell him, thus saieth the LORDE God: beholde, o Pharao thou kinge of Egipte, I wil vpo the, thou greate whall fysh, yt lyest in yi waters: Thou yt sayest: the water is myne, I haue made it myself. 4 I wil put an hoke in thy chawes, & hage all the fish in thy waters vpo thy skales: after yt I wil drawe the out of thy waters, yee & all the fish, of ye waters that hange vpon thy skales. 5 I wil cast the out vpon the dry lode with the fish of thy waters, so that thou shalt lye vpon the felde. Thou shalt not be gathered ner taken vp, but shalt be meate for the beestes of the felde, & for the foules off the ayre: