5 He toke also a braunch of the londe, and planted it in a frutefull grounde, he brought it vnto greate waters, & set it as a willye tre therby.
6 Then dyd it growe, and was a greate wyne stocke, but lowe by the grounde: thus there came of it a vyne, and it brought forth blossomes, & spred out braunches.
7 But there was another Aegle, a greate one, which had greate wynges and many fethers: and beholde, ye rotes of this vyne had an huger after him, and spred out his braunches towarde him, to water his frutes:
8 Neuertheles it was plated vpon a good grounde besyde greate waters: so that (by reason) it shulde haue brought out braunches and frute, and haue bene a goodly vyne.