26 For what is all fleshe, that it shulde be able to heare ye voyce of the lyuynge God speakynge out of ye fyre, as we haue done, and yet lyue?
27 Go thou and heare all yt the LORDE oure God sayeth, and tell us. All yt the LORDE sayeth vnto the, that will we heare and do.
28 Whan the LORDE herde the voyce of yor wordes which ye spake vnto me, he sayde vnto me: I haue herde ye voyce of the wordes of this people, which they haue spoken vnto ye. It is all good that they haue spoken.
29 But who shal geue them soch an herte, yt they maye feare me, & kepe all my comaundementes as longe as they lyue, yt it maye go well with them, and with their childre for euer?
30 Go & saye vnto them: Get you in to yor tentes agayne.
31 But thou shalt stonde here before me, that I maye tell the all the commaundementes, and ordinauces and lawes which thou shalt teach them yt they maye do therafter in the lode, which I shal geue the to possesse.