3 The LORDE thy God himselfe shall go before the ouer Iordane: and HE himselfe shal destroye these nacions before the, that thou mayest conquere them: and Iosua he shall go ouer before the. as the LORDE hath sayde.
4 And the LORDE shal do vnto them, as he dyd vnto Sihon and Og the kynges of the Amorites and vnto their lode, which he destroyed.
5 Now whan the LORDE shal deliuer the before you, ye shal do vnto them acordynge vnto all the commaundementes which I haue commaunded you.
6 Be manly and stroge, feare not, and be not afrayed of them. For the LORDE thy God himselfe shal go with the, and shal not fayle the, ner forsake the.