21 and shall separate him vnto euell out of all the trybes of Israel, acordinge vnto all the curses of the couenaunt, that is wrytten in the boke of this lawe.
22 So the posterities of youre childre which shal ryse vp after you, and the straungers that come out of farre countrees, shall saye (whan they se the plages of this londe, and the diseases wherwith the LORDE hath smytten it)
23 that he hath brent vp all their londe with brymstone and salt, so yt it cannot be sowne, ner is frutefull, nether groweth there eny grasse therin, Like as Sodom, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim are ouerthrowne, which the LORDE ouerthrewe in his wrath and anger.
24 Then shall all nacions saye: Wherfore hath the LORDE done thus vnto this londe? What greate wrothfull displeasure is this?