Acts 9:21-25

Coverdale(i) 21 But all they that herde him, were amased, and sayde: Is not this he, which at Ierusalem spoyled all those that called on his name? and came hither to the intent that he shulde brynge them bounde vnto the hye prestes? 22 But Saul increased in strength, & cofounded ye Iewes which dwelt at Damascon, and affirmed yt this was very Christ. 23 And after many dayes the Iewes helde a councell together to kyll him. 24 But it was tolde Saul, that they layed wayte for him. And they wayted at ye gates daye & night, that they might kyll him. 25 Then the disciples toke him by nighte, & put him thorow the wall, and let him downe in a baskett.