Acts 2:24-33

Coverdale(i) 24 who God hath raysed vp, and lowsed the sorowes of death, for so moch as it was vnpossyble that he shulde be holden of it. 25 For Dauid speaketh of him: Afore honde haue I set the LORDE allwayes before me, for he is on my right hode, that I shulde not be moued. 26 Therfore dyd my hert reioyse, and my tunge was glad: For my flesh also shal rest in hope. 27 For thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffer yi Holy to se corrupcion. 28 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of life, thou shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce. 29 Ye men and brethren, let me frely speake vnto you of the Patryarke Dauid: For he is deed and buried, and his sepulcre is with vs vnto this daye. 30 Wherfore now seinge yt he was a prophet, and knewe that God had promised him with an ooth, that the frute of his loynes shulde syt on his seate, 31 he sawe it before, and spake of the resurreccion of Christ: for his soule was not left in hell, nether hath his flesh sene corrupcion. 32 This Iesus hath God raysed vp, wherof we all are witnesses. 33 Seynge now that he by the right hande of God is exalted, and hath receaued of ye father ye promyse of the holy goost, he hath shed forth this, that ye se and heare.