5 But whan kynge Dauid came to Bahurim, beholde, there wente out a man of the kynred of the house of Saul, whose name was Semei the sonne of Gera, which wente forth and cursed,
6 and cast stones at Dauid, and at all kynge Dauids seruauntes and all the people and all the mightie men men were at his righte hande and at his lefte.
7 Thus sayde Semei whan he cursed: Get the forth, get the forth thou bloudy hounde, thou man of Belial.
8 The LORDE hath rewarded the for all the bloude of the house of Saul, yt thou becamest kynge in his steade. Now hath the LORDE geuen the kyngdome into ye hande of Absalom thy sonne, and beholde, now stickest thou in thine owne myschefe, for thou art a bloudy hounde.