2 Samuel 15:1-20

Coverdale(i) 1 And after this it fortuned that Absalom caused to prepare himselfe chearettes and horses, and fyftye men, which were his fote me. 2 And Absalo gat him vp allwaye early in the mornynge, and stode in the waye by the porte: and whan eny man had a matter which shulde come to the kynge for iudgment, Absalom called vnto him and sayde: Of what cite art thou? Yf he sayde then: thy seruaunt is of one of the trybes of Israel, 3 then sayde Absalom vnto him: Beholde, thy matter is righte and plaine: but there is noman appoynted ye of the kynge to heare the. 4 And Absalom sayde: O who setteth me to be iudge in ye londe, that euery man which hath a plee or matter to do in ye lawe, might come to me, that I might helpe him to right 5 And whan eny man came to him to do worshippe & to do him obeisaunce, he put forth his hade, and helde him & kyssed him. 6 After this maner dyd Absalom vnto all Israel whan they came to the lawe vnto the kynge, and so dyd he steale awaye the hert of ye men of Israel. 7 After fortye yeares sayde Absalom vnto the kynge: I wil go and perfourme my vowe at Hebron, which I made vnto the LORDE. 8 For thy seruaunt made a vowe, whan I dwelt at Gesur in Siria, and saide: Whan ye LORDE bryngeth me agayne to Ierusalem, I shal do a Gods seruyce vnto the LORDE. 9 The kynge sayde vnto him: Go thy waye in peace. And he gat him vp, and wente vnto Hebron. 10 But Absalom had sent out spyes in all the trybes of Israel, sayenge: Whan ye heare the noyse of the trompe, saye: Absalom is made kynge at Hebron. 11 There wente with Absalom two hundreth men called from Ierusalem, but they wente on symply, and knewe not of the matter. 12 Absalom sent also for Achitophel (the Gilonyte) Dauids counceler, out of his cite Gilo. Now whan he did the sacrifice, the conspiracion was mightie and the people ranne together, and multyplied with Absalom. 13 Then came one which tolde Dauid, and sayde, that the hert of euery man in Israel folowed Absalom. 14 Dauid sayde vnto all his seruauntes that were with him at Ierusalem: Vp, let vs fle, for here shall be no escapynge for vs before Absalom. Make haist that we maye be goynge, lest he ouertake vs and catch vs, and dryue some mysfortune vpon vs, and smyte the cyte with the edge of the swerde. 15 Then sayde the kynges seruauntes vnto him: Loke what my LORDE ye kinge choseth, beholde, here are thy seruauntes. 16 And the kynge wente forth on fote wt all his housholde. But ten concubynes lefte he to kepe the house. 17 And whan the kynge and all the people came forth on fote, they wete farre from home, 18 and all his seruauntes wente by him, and all the Chrethians and Plethians, and all the Gethites (euen sixe hundreth men) which were come on fote from Gath, wente before the kynge. 19 And the kynge sayde vnto Ithai ye Gethite: Why goest thou also with vs? Turne backe, and byde with the kynge, for thou art a straunger: get the hence agayne vnto thy place. 20 Thou camest yesterdaye, and to daye thou iuperdest to go with vs: As for me, I wyl go whither I can: turne thou backe agayne, and mercy and faithfulnes happen vnto thy brethren with the.