2 Kings 21:12-14

Coverdale(i) 12 therfore thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: Beholde, I wyll brynge soch a plage vpon Ierusalem and Iuda, that who so euer heareth it, both his eares shal glowe, 13 and ouer Ierusalem wyll I stretch forth the lyne of Samaria, and the weighte of the house of Achab, and wyll wype out Ierusalem, euen as one wypeth a platter, and I wyl ouerthrowe it. 14 And ye remnaunt of myne inheritaunce wil I cast out, & scater them abrode, & wil delyuer them in to the hades of their enemies, to be spoyled and rent of all their enemies: